Eugenix / Dr Arika Bansal / 3000 grafts/Post-op 8 months/

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Eugenix hair science
Messages : 293
Inscription : 13 juil. 2019, 07:15

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Mr. AD was a Grade 2 plus patient on the Norwood Scale of baldness. He had a requirement for the reconstruction of the frontal zone. The receding hairline had caused a severe impairment in his overall looks.
He got 3000 grafts done with us for the complete augmentation of his frontal zone. With high hopes and backed by research, he was hoping for the best.
The shedding phase was difficult for him as he saw no difference in his before after looks. It does tend to get atrociously difficult for most patients to go through the shedding phase.
After 8 months of his transplantation procedure, he has a renewed look and has a good density on his frontal zone. The look is natural and suits his face structure. Most importantly, he is satisfied and feels that all the wait was worth the end product.

Eugenix Hair Sciences, India

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